Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Leonard Nimoy passed away last week and it affected so many people. He was a great man who left a positive mark on the world. Many people have reflected on what his passing means to them and how he touched their lives. I am not a "Trekie" by any stretch of the imagination, but I admired everything the man stood for.

People who knew him spoke of him as a great man who cared about others. He was kind to his fans and I do feel that is something special considering how large his fan base is. From psychology to the arts, Nimoy was a multifaceted individual who exemplified what I consider "professional". He truely was an inspiration to me and many others.

I look at the legacy he has left behind and I'm filled with a sense of comfort. I firmly believe it is possible for one person to make a positive impact on the world. The world can be dark at times, but there are opportunities to act as a force of light to touch the lives of people. This is something I'm actively working towards and Leonard Nimoy was able to accomplish this. Even in my personal moments of confusion and hesitation, I know one person can make a difference.

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